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Irrigation Tools

我們擁有各式噴灌工程所需要的器具,不管是溫室、戶外我們都能針對客戶需求客製化服務。從吊式滴灌、造霧、覆蓋式、噴灑式等,所有相關零組件都是我們的專業,產品皆百分之百台灣製造,並擁有 ISO 品質認證,歡迎與我們聯繫進一步詢問。

We have the equipment needed for all kinds of irrigation spraying.
Whether it is for a greenhouse or outdoor, we can customize the service for our customers' needs.
From hanging drip irrigation, fogging, covering, spraying, etc. to all the related components.
All of our products are made in Taiwan and we have ISO quality certifications.
Please contact us for further enquiries.