1, 適用於中高海拔(海拔> 300米)。
有很好的植株和良好的葉病耐性。平均產量約為9 - 12 噸 / 公頃
2. 適應平地(海拔低於海平面300米)至山腳地區
耐旱性好,呈橙色,平均產量10-13.5 噸 / 公頃
3. 非常適合平地和一些山腳地區,也適合青貯飼料
平均產量為10.6 - 13.7 噸 / 公頃
4. 是我們最新推出的雜交品種,適應各地區
具有非常好的耳黴病抗性,深橙色顆粒,平均產量10 - 13.8 噸 / 公頃。
We have hybrid field fodder corn seeds which produces grain corns used in breeding poultry, swine and fish.
We have 4 hybrids in the seed market and differentiates in 4 areas:
1. Higher than 300 meters above sea level
2. Lower than 300 meters above sea level
3. Flat land and hill foot areas
4. Well throughout all areas and the average yield is 9-13.8 Mt / Ha.
(Note: Yields come from Thailand’s testing conditions)
All of our hybrid seeds are conventional seeds but not GMOs.